About, Mindbridge Fireworks

Mindbridge Therapy

We are all here to learn to grow to develop into whatever we choose.

What if someone you trust could place, powerfully and safely, the knowledge that you provide directly into your subconscious mind? (Which science has proven is thousands of times more powerful than the conscious mind).

Our knowledge is filtered by our perception (our values, beliefs and experiences).

Our Conscious mind holds all our wishes and aspirations. It is also our Conscious Mind that is the critic that often creates a barrier.

Our Subconscious Mind does not have this filter !

What would you be if you could be the best you could be ?

What makes a person like Roger Federer the Tennis player that he is?

Isn’t it a wonderful thing to watch that kind of mastery in action? Imagine actually being him on court for a moment. The skill and conditioning over years and years of practice. The mastery of movement. The speed, the grace, the agility. The precision and awareness; the timing; the ability to react so effortlessly to the ball and the opponent; the energy and vitality inside him and the clarity that it provides.

Technique is everything !

My areas of specialty are:

  • Men’s Health
  • Optimum Ageing
  • Sports Mindset

You can build a bridge over anything in your mind and get over it !